Happy Birthday Max from MRPS on Vimeo.
Max Godden, our Forrest Road crosswalk traffic warden, turned 90 today! Students, parents and staff showered him with cards, gifts and good wishes as Max manned the crosswalk to keep our students safe. Celebrating this milestone birthday did not keep him away from this important role, and the respect and regard students have for him was evident as he went about his job.
Big smiles were traded and Max’s weather shelter on the side of the road continued to fill with balloons and cards.
Sarah Goodwin (Kitchen specialist) baked him a special birthday cake,
and Terri Sharpe (Garden specialist) filled a birthday hamper with fresh produce straight from the kitchen garden!
Max is a very experienced crosswalk traffic warden, completing 15 years in Perth and nearly 11 years on our Forrest Road crosswalk, which he initiated in 2010. I asked Max for a comment and he said:
I just love the children. Seeing their smiles makes it all worthwhile. That’s why I do this job.
This special man has given his time over the years and been the friendly face students see as they enter and leave our school every day. We wish you a very happy 90th birthday, Max!
Written and posted by D. Veary; photos by Terri Sharpe, Bec Thomas and D. Veary