20150819_084054 (Small)On Wednesday the 19th some very fancy, some scary, some wild and some gorgeously cute Pre-Primary students went on an excursion to the Margaret River Public Library. The reason… BOOK WEEK!!!

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20150819_085731 (Small)They were dressed to impress in amazing costumes depicting their favourite story book character. Luckily the rain held off so we had a dry walk there and back.

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Rebecca Cool, our home grown and fantastic local Artist and Illustrator, showed us the process she goes through in illustrating a story book. She read us two of the three books she’s has illustrated and answered some very tricky questions.

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We discovered that she loves using patterns and fabric in her paintings, she doesn’t have a particular favourite colour but likes combinations of colours her favourite being turquoise and orange. She loves drawing people and has to leave spaces in the paintings she does for books so that they can print in the words. She also explained that sometimes she finds it hard to fit her pictures to a page as she’s not allowed to paint anything too important in the “gutter” (middle) of the pages or it won’t be seen properly.

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She showed us two of her favourite books that she loved as a child “Orlando” written by Kathleen Hale and a German story book which is over 100 years old called “Struwwelpeter” by Heinrich Hoffmann. On our return to school we had a parade to show off our fabulous costumes.

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We had lots of fun getting into character and playing princesses pirates, dragons, fairies, and numerous other imaginative make believe games at play time.

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Written and photos by Nat Mainard; Posted by D. Veary