Outside play time is a valuable part of our programme.  It provides the children with the opportunity to create, explore, socialise, share, take turns and practise new skills.  They can form friendships, test their endurance, overcome obstacles and develop independence.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our outside areas to provide rich play experiences.  Our newest play area is full of play experiences. Enjoy this movie made by our students.  🙂

There are lots of opportunities for social as well as physical play and we’re very grateful to the following people for helping us.

Our Busy Bees: Ashley Buck, Bec and Arlo Copley, Lauren, Willem and Tao Healy, Ray, Sarah, Andrew and Neve McCann, Chris, Mary and Harvey McGovern, Mary, Denham and Ruby Hancock, Matt, Kat, Leo and Alby Caley, Lorrie and Phil Noakes, Cathie Webb, Fran Keeley and Bev Saunders.
Our Bobcat Team: Dane and Bec from Earthworks Margaret river.
Our playground designer and construction expert: Andrew Hancock.

Written and photos by Helen Busetti; Photostory by Helen and students; Posted by D. Veary