Kitchen Bloopers...from T10 11This week, T10’s journalists Yasmin and Ariya, offer a different view of Kitchen lessons.  Pausing to reflect on what can go wrong….they show how when things go wrong, you really have to keep your cool and have a sense of humour!  Cooking Spinach, Leek and Feta quiches, then delicious Sushi, these students help us to get lost in the moment with them…. [Editor]

Cooking Spinach, Leek and Feta Quiches

Kitchen Bloopers...from T10 12

Ariya – When time stands still.

It was a hot, sunny day last week. We had Kitchen.  When we walked into the kitchen it felt like a volcano in there! But we had to focus on Sarah demonstrating and explaining how to create the mixture for the spinach and feta quiche.
Then the teams scattered to their stations and started to get into action.  We elected our head chefs.  (My team elected me.)  Then I sent each one of my minions to collect and mix or cut all our ingredients.
While my teammates were cutting I got the pan ready.  As I was pouring in the oil, the bottle of oil suddenly squirted everywhere.
I close my eyes tight and the kitchen goes silent.  I slowly open my eyes and to my horror, I see the whole bench drenched in olive oi!  I sigh and start cracking up.  My teammates just stare back at me, trying to hold back from screaming at me aggressively.
“Oopsie”, I whisper quietly, then the classroom again fills with sizzling, talking and stomping around.Kitchen Bloopers...from T10 13

Yasmin – Bloopers –

“What could possibly go wrong…?”

We were cooking all the silverbeet and onions.  Our group decided to take it off the heat to make some slight modifications.  I thought that the handle wouldn’t be hot but… turns out it was!  I burnt my finger.  It didn’t hurt at the time and then out of the blue, Alby said, “You’d better run that under water or it’ll start burning.”
I ignored him, thinking that it wouldn’t do anything.  All of a sudden, my finger started throbbing and at this point, there was NO IGNORING IT!  I frantically ran to the sink.
While I was standing impatiently at the sink, tired of keeping my finger under the water and rolling my eyes, I took my finger from the water.  BIG MISTAKE!  It immediately started burning again.
But wait….there’s more!
Two minutes later, Alby comes walking across.
“What’s happened to you?” I say, confused.
Laughing slightly, he says, “I burnt my finger.”
I shift over and make room for him at the sink.
Not much later, Cassidy runs over with his hand wrapped around his finger.  Laughing loads, he manages to say, “I burnt my finger.”
Both Alby and I roll our eyes, feel the burn in our own fingers, and move aside to make more room at the sink.
Kitchen Bloopers...from T10 14
Kitchen Bloopers...from T10 15
Next lesson was so much better.  Here is some feedback from T10 about the sushi we made.
Holly said
My favourite was the carrot sushi.
Oliver said
I didn’t like it.
Min said
It was amazing and awesome.
Charli said
It was really good with the mayo!
Stella said,
Only one word – delicious!
Jemima said,
I liked all the ingredients and rolling them out.
Amber said,
I had too much!
Sienna said,
It was great.  I loved the texture and taste.
So, next time you go into the kitchen and things don’t go to plan, remember to breathe and count to 10 (or maybe just stand at the sink with your finger under running water!)
Written and photos by T10 journalists, Yasmin and Ariya; Posted by D. Veary