Group (Small)
Eli P. from T4 wrote this article for the blog.  What a good job, Eli!  🙂
Last week all the year 4s went to Wharncliffe Mill.  We rode from Margaret River Primary School to Wharncliffe Mill. We crossed 4 roads and we had to hop off our bikes to cross the roads. The final stretch was an eight-hundred metre hill. It was very tiring riding up the hill. Finally we reached the sign that said Wharncliffe Mill. We were sweating head to toe and everyone was like a plate of jelly.
First the boys went and played Ping-Pong and the girls looked around the place. We had to set up our sleeping spot then we got free time. Most of the boys rode on their bikes doing tricks, while the girls were doing hand stands and playing with hula-hoops.

Then we were called in for lunch. We ate the food from our lunch box. After lunch we had to choose to go on the short ride or the long ride to Cowaramup and back.  Most of the people went on the short ride.

When we got free time all of the boys were on their bikes doing jumps on the speed bumps, the mulch pit and roots out of the tree. Some of the girls were on their bikes too.

After free time we had some dinner. For dinner we had hamburgers and juice boxes and after dinner we had icy poles. Then we watched the movie called “Cool Running”.  After “Cool Running” we had a Milo and biscuits and at about 9:00pm we were sent to bed.

In the morning we had to pack up our equipment. Then we had breakfast which we had to choose out of Weet-Bix, fruit or toast. Yum! After we had breakfast we had free time. Most of the boys and some of the girls rode their bikes and the boys used the speed bumps as speed jumps.

We were called in for the Egg Drop Grand Final. Mr Hickey went up to the top of the stairs and then dropped the eggs. The eggs that survived got a Freddo frog. After the egg drop we had lunch. For lunch we had Hot Dogs and juice boxes. When we finished lunch we had to put our equipment into the cars.  We looked around for any rubbish or lost property and then we jumped on our bikes and rode back to school.

Everyone was grateful for all the food we had and happy about all the activities that we did.  We all felt stronger from riding up all those hills but happy to be back at school and that it was Friday afternoon.

Enjoy this slideshow from the camp. 2014 Year 4 Bike Camp on PhotoPeach
Written by Eli P. (T4); Photos by Liz Angell and Yr 4 teachers; Posted by D. Veary