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Have you noticed the new sign at the entrance to our Woodichup Meeting Place?

Bill Webb our local Wardandi elder has given us these words from our local noongar (wardandi)  peoples’ language. This sign is to celebrate our school’s ongoing commitment to bridging the gap between aboriginal and non-aboriginal people.

Woodichup is the noongar name for Margaret River, the up at the end of woodichup refers to place of. Kiya is hello or greeting. Mia is home/place.

I’m sure you can translate the symbols from our school into the Noongar words written next to them.
Next time you walk past the meeting place,  have a go at saying your faction in Noongar language.

Thank you to our hard working volunteers who dug the hole and erected the sign – great job!  🙂
Woodichup Mia on PhotoPeach

Photos and written by Angie Rameriz; Posted by D. Veary