Down at the end of the corridor, turn right and you will find our newish Uniform Shop. On Tuesdays between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. and on Thursdays between 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. you will find the Uniform Shop Manager, Jaqui, hard at work. To help people, Jaqui puts a whiteboard with relevant information on it to help answer parents’ quick queries, rather than have them wait in the queue if they only want to ask a quick question.
Jaqui has worked at the shop since a few weeks into January and she has heard many parents comment positively on how lovely students look in the new uniform. As the cold days arrive, parents have been snapping up the warm fleecy tops on the shelves or placing orders. For those cool days in Winter, Jacqui also has snug microfibre black tracky pants (see photo) in stock. She is also awaiting arrival of the new microfibre zip up jackets and we’ll let you know when they are in stock.
The Year 5, 6, 7s have already exchanged their hats and this Thursday 24 May the Year 3, 4s will exchange their old hats for new hats, so please make sure your child has their old hat (with the incorrect cord and tassle) with them this Thursday. The Year 1, 2 hats are being manufactured as they require smaller sizes than were supplied.
The new shirt exchange will occur in the next few weeks as we are still awaiting the final delivery of new replacement stock. We will let you know the date in due course.
Jacqui is always ready with a smile to help you place an order or find your child something from the shelves.
Written by D. Veary (with information added from Mr. K.); Photos and posted by D. Veary