Taiko Drumming And Japanese Flutes 7

Students sat entranced as Toshi and Anne demonstrated the Japanese culture of drumming in their Taiko Drumming and Japanese Flutes performance on Tuesday.  This performance is part of the Becoming Asia Literate Curriculum focus where the culture of music throughout the world is being integrated  by Ms Helen in the Music Room.  They explained the sacred nature of the Taiko (drums) and how the music is performed at Japanese shrines.

Taiko Drumming And Japanese Flutes 8    Taiko Drumming And Japanese Flutes 9

The performers involved the audience as participants, with students invited to perform with Toshi and Anne.  Students rose to the occasion and entertained the audience with their playing and dancing.  Students’ heads moved left and right as in a tennis match as, cymbals were used to juggle soundballs from Toshi to Anne across the undercover area.

To find out more, visit Toshi and Anne at their websites ANNE and WAIDAIKO RINDO

You can listen to Toshi and students singing the Fisherman’s Song – hauling in the fish here. (click on play arrow to listen)  Written, photos and posted by D. Veary