MRPS Remembers on Anzac Day

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary ...

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Interschool Choirs Sing their Hearts Out!

The video clip speaks for itself as you listen to our wonderful MRPS Dreamcatchers singing ...

Making Music Here, There and Everywhere!

Our teams of talented performing musicians: choir, Bella Melodias and our school rock bands have ...

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CHOIR – Wednesdays in the Music Room

IF IT’S WEDNESDAY – IT MUST BE CHOIR! Choir has started! Years 3-6 are invited ...


Ms Helen and the Dreamcatchers performed “Lest We Forget” at our Anzac Ceremony last Tuesday.  ...

Dreamcatchers Front the TV Cameras

With the rapidly approaching onset of the festive season approaching, expect to see plenty of ...

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Stunning Tutti Cantanti at MRPS

Our Dreamcatchers Singing Group recently joined choirs and singers from Cowaramup PS, Vasse PS and Dunsborough ...

Anzac Day Commemoration at MRPS

There’s something reverent about an Anzac Day ceremony.  It’s the way the crowd gathers in ...


Music Room ‘Happenings’

Ms Helen says: Welcome back to everyone from the Music Room.  I look forward with ...


Sensational at the Show

Our school showed its commitment to our community last weekend at the annual Margaret River ...