Term 2 has been an exciting time in T3! We were fortunate enough to have two teachers, Ayat and Ifah, from our partnership school (SD Negeri Pacinongang Unggulan in Gowa, South Sulawesi) stay with us for two weeks.

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In that time the students explored the history, culture, food and traditions of Sulawesi and became familiar with a traditional creation story from the area.  They then created storyboards and developed interactive bilingual texts on the i-pads and made a bound book which will eventually be sent to our partnership school.

Img_0258 (Small)Look out for our next post with Lily reading her version of this traditional tale.  🙂

You will probably have noticed the beautiful painting which has transformed the wall outside the L.O.T.E. room.  Our AIEO, Angela Rameriz,  designed a mural incorporating the Rainbow Serpent and the students’ pictures were used to depict key events in the traditional creation story from Sulawesi. This mural represents the growing intercultural understanding amongst students here at MRPS.

T3 enjoyed their celebration with a great turn out of parents, caregivers and extended family.  This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase their work done on Sulawesi and ‘Our Unique Earth’ Inquiry topic, as well as view the fantastic cultural Indonesian dance performed at the farewell ceremony for Ayat.

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Written and photos by Belinda Symes; Posted by D. Veary