The amazing Year 5 students from Room 4 have been doing some very special things in the classroom for the last five weeks. Students investigated the topic of ‘Gizmos, Gadgets and Discoveries’ during third term and, having completed immersion activities and petite inquiries in order to answer their ‘Big Questions’, the students produced lots of truly magnificent work. As the topic was extended for five weeks, students have been able to use their knowledge and skills gained in the third term, as well the attainment of other skills to plan a future theme park. As a result of this planning, the students have been able to create fantastic maps showing their theme parks, and emphasizing their mathematical skills of location and mapping. They have also written an extremely interesting explanation of how one of their main attractions works, and after listening to a talk from an engineer, they are currently designing a model of this main attraction and will construct it out of recyclable materials. Their final task was to create a commercial to promote a show or event at their theme parks and after developing Big Questions related to commercials, students wrote scripts and finished filming their commercials. This was a really challenging task, but by working cooperatively in groups and solving problems as they went, I’m happy to say students are now editing their commercials by adding music, sound effects, persuasive language and transitions. All this in five weeks translates to some extremely hard work and amazing creative and critical thinking skills.  Bravo Year 5’s!
Gizmos, Gadgets and Discoveries by Room 4 on PhotoPeach

Written and photos by: Matthew Dowsett (APT Teacher Room 4)     Posted: DV