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For the first time, since the inception of the Young Readers and Writers Festival, the Kindy and Pre-Primary students were able to participate in the sessions run by the talented guests that come to Margaret River. We had Andrew Plant, illustrator/author, conduct several workshops for all of our students, giving them advice on story writing.   [My Year 3 students really enjoyed Andrew’s whacky humour and they each produced an imaginative story in pictures by the end of his workshop – a very enjoyable learning experience for all! – Mrs Veary] Img_5488 (Small)

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The biggest draw card was John Marsden who presented a session to all of our Year 4-6 students (plus a bunch of other students from a variety of local schools). Along with Isobelle Carmody, he dazzled his audience with humourous stories and tips on getting the best out of their creative thinking.

A big Thank You to Rotary and MRPS P&C who subsidised this worthwhile event.

Written by Campbell Madden; Photos and posted by D. Veary