Our 2012 Faction Captains! 9 

Faction Captain elections are over and we now have our official Year 7 Faction Captains, in the first year of our rebranded factions: Sun, Earth, Ocean and Forest. Faction captains are responsible for maintenance and supervision of the school sports store room, as well as having a leading organisational role in all major school sporting events. 

Congratulations to: Hannah and George – Forest; Reece and Adele – Earth; Kaya and Cooper – Sun; Taj and Sarah – Ocean

Our 2012 Faction Captains! 10

Here we can see the elements of our new school logo separated into the new Factions.  You can read more about the meaning behind the logo by clicking on the link on the front page of this website.

And our fun-loving faction captains loved the ‘out takes’ or ‘bloopers’ too…

Our 2012 Faction Captains! 11 Our 2012 Faction Captains! 12 

Written by D.Veary and G.Gibbon; Photos and posted by D. Veary