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Ms Helen says:

Welcome back to everyone from the Music Room.  I look forward with great enthusiasm and excitement to a “musical journey” together.

All SIMS students are reminded that lessons start next week (week 2).  Timetables are on display outside the music room and students are encouraged to check regularly for any changes.  All Year 6 and Year 7 students are to have their own instruments and Year 5 students can complete a loan form at the office.

Woodwind (Clarinet/Flute/Saxophone) will be on Mondays/Tuesdays; Guitar will be on Wednesdays; Brass (Trumpet/Trombone) will be on Thursdays.

Choirs and Bands start up again next week too. Auditions for Rock/Pop bands commence on Tuesday 12 February at 12:55 in the Music Room.  Band practice times will be: (Danny Jennings) on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30 and 4:30 to 5:30; (Mike Goodwin) on Tuesdays at lunchtime from 12:55 to 1:55; (Tony Lane) on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30.

All students from Years 2 to 7 are invited to join our fabulous choirs.  Joey Choir (Years 2 and 3) meet Wednesdays at 12:55; Senior Choir/Vocal Jam (Years 4 to 7) meet Mondays from 9:30 to 10:00 and occasionally on Thursdays at lunchtime.


Written by Ms Helen; Photo and posted by D. Veary