On Monday the 9th March we replanted our vegetable garden at Pre Primary. We planted at recess play time so that all the Pre Primary kids could get involved.

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Img_0058 (Small)Our school focuses on sustainability and this term our inquiry topic is ‘All About Me’. We have been learning about our senses. Greg helped us prepare the veggie garden with manure and nutrients. We planted the seedlings and watered the garden beds well.

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Img_0023 (Small)The carrots were really fun to plant. We had to separate each little carrot and then plant it.

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Img_0049 (Small)Later in the term we will harvest our veggies and cook some healthy treats.

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Img_0052 (Small)Thank you to Bunnings for their kind donation of; snowpeas, beetroot, lettuce, celery, bok-choy and carrot.

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Photos and written by Clare Dallimore; Posted by D. Veary