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Mia O. in Room 3 with Mrs Delfs, has created an informative Survival Manual as part of her ‘Big Question’ in the Year 7 Survival Inquiry.  Her “Guide to Surviving in the Australian Bush” is presented creatively with her information clearly organised and well explained.  She had to follow set criteria for the design where students had to provide the required information using A5 paper or card and they were limited to using about 6 A4 pages.

Mrs Delfs said,

students were creative at making more space for extra information and Mia worked really hard with a great result!


Mia said that

It was exciting to make a manual that would be useful in a survival situation.

She said the main survival tip she learned was

Try to stay in the most open area for a better chance of rescue.

Enjoy browsing through her manual in the flipbook below.  I’m sure you will learn something useful there.

[TO VIEW: Click on ‘click to launch full edition in a new window’ below the mini-book and when the big flipbook loads, move your cursor to the flap leaf at the bottom right of each page to ‘flip’ over to the next page.] 

Click to launch the full edition in a new window
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Great job, Mia!

Written, photos and posted by D. Veary; Manual by Mia O. published on Yudu