The signs were all there. Change was afoot. The garden was a sprawling mass of growth, producing abundant food when slowly the reins were being pulled in again…and pruning clippings appeared, piled up in wheelbarrows. Paths were raked clear of leaves. The compost pile began to grow. But still no children. Just Terri, with some expert help from Adam and Geoff Mcleod, (and the chickens of course), tidying up and relocating plants. The Year 3 garden beds had been relocated too – to just outside the Year 4 undercover area, and they now enjoy full sun and…the luxury of reticulation!

But the hiatus didn’t last long and the garden has been buzzing with Year 4 students this week, and I’m sure the chickens are particularly happy to see them. Meanwhile, Terri had the professionals in to sort out some tree boughs and to remove a peach, nectarine and fig tree which had outgrown their space. What seemed to be a massive task looked easy when tackled with a stump grinder. It was made to look easy, as the blade chewed into the stumps and turned them back into soil – a very organic approach.

The produce harvested from the garden was quickly put to good use by Jodi in the kitchen, as Year Fours and Fives had their first cooking lesson for the year. The smells emanating from the Kitchen sneaked up on passersby, making their mouths water.  Slipping into the kitchen, I found Year 5 students and Mrs Clark at the fun end of the lesson – about to taste their delicious veggie and cheese muffins!

This time of year is very special, as Year 4 students experience the Kitchen-Garden program for the first time, and some cook their very first meal. We really do appreciate our Kitchen Garden team for their expertise, energy and enthusiastic committment. This living section of our school has come back to life again.

Written, photos and posted by D. Veary