Editor’s Note: We now have the Year 5s contributing regularly to our School Blog with small teams of journalists in each Year 5 class working collaboratively to share what they do in Kitchen and Garden lessons with you at home.  This week we have a very creative report from the journalists in T9: Daisy, Olivia and Katie, where each girl took on an innovative idea such as “The Interview” and “DIY Gardening Tips”, as well as good writing and photos, to give you a picture of the thrills and spills of a day in our MRPS Kitchen Garden!  Great job, team! (Mrs Veary)

MRPS Honesty Stall

Have you visited our Kitchen Garden Honesty Stall yet? You probably should, because T9 spent a whole session restocking the stall.  You’ll find lemons, limes, lettuce and lots of seedlings there.  We keep it stocked and ready for your arrival, so come on down and support your local school. Remember, all the produce is fresh, organic and of course- locally grown!

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The rhubarb had the last laugh

Last term in Garden, one of T9’s groups,  Apples, had the fun job of harvesting rhubarb. We were all very eager to start, so as soon as Terri said, “Go!” we grabbed a pair of gloves, a bucket and a trowel before heading to the rhubarb bed to pull the rhubarb out.  

Have you ever tried to pull out a rhubarb plant?  It is not as easy as it may seem. At first I thought it was asimple as picking rhubarb stems. I placed my hands carefully around the bottom of one of the rhubarb plants and slowly began to pull. Nothing happened.  I got a better grip and pulled harder.  Still not much better.  I shifted mfeet so I could pull harder…. 

I began to pull while slowly leaning back as I kept pulling and pulling… Suddenly, the rhubarb came flying out! I fell back into the bed behind memy hands and feet in the air like a bug on its back – my trowel still in my hand! There was a moment’s silence – then my whole group and I burst out laughing! 

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Wheelbarrow Repair

Last term the wheelbarrows were desperately in need of repair. One of the groups in T9 pumped, cleaned and tightened screws with the help of Mr. Morrison.

There was a lot to be done! First, the screws were tightened. They were REALLY tight! The tyres also need to be pumped up. The group had a lot of fun with the tyre pump!  Finally, the wheelbarrows had a quick rinse with the hose. Some of the students were a bit unfortunate with the hose, and got wet!

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DIY in the Garden


Do you have a problem with weeds? Are you not having much luck with harvesting? Or, are you just keen to see some cool DIY tips?  Well, you’ve looked in the right place! Just take a look at these cool garden tips! Have fun!

Weeds are annoying, especially poisonous ones like the Arum Lilies that have just popped up!  You could:

  • pour boiling water over them. They will die in a few days’ time.
  • Poison them, though you would be letting poisonous chemicals into your garden (but plants like Arum Lillies are hard to kill without poison).


Rhubarb can be harvested at any time of year. Stems should be cut at 25cm long.

Pumpkin can be harvested all through Autumn.

Mint can be picked in Spring and Summer to be used in cooking and can be dried to use later.

Lettuce should be harvested 9 to 10 weeks after planting.

Carrots are ready 75 days after planting.

Cabbage can be harvested about 80 to 180 days after planting.

DIY Tips:

If you live on a slope, why not try making a border around your garden beds. It looks good and it stops all of the soil from collapsing!

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What about a handy system to avoid over-watering? Place stakes in your pot and put a clear plastic bag over them. When the bag is moist, you will know that the plant is hydrated!

The Interview – Speaking with Ms Angell:

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Written by T9 Journalists: Katie, Olivia and Daisy; Posted by D. Veary; Photos by Daisy,Katie and Terri Sharpe; Film Clip by D. Veary (With grateful thanks to Ms Angell for agreeing to a video interview.)