Brassy trumpet notes mingled with the silky sounds of flutes. Clarinets warbled richly beneath the mellow tones of the guitars. The harmonies blended. Performers breathed deeply before lifting their instruments to their lips or fingers to the strings – and the audience drank in their efforts with quiet attention, before showing their appreciation with applause. This was the scene last Friday as our IMMS students performed after our Volunteers Morning Tea, to pay tribute to these special people who give of their time and of themselves to support the learning at our school.
The tunes wafted out on the gentle breeze, spreading into the quadrangle…before the tone took on an urgency and determination as the percussion team marched purposefully onto the stage, bright in fleuro-vests and work boots to perform a well choreographed, perfectly synchronized musical item. The effect on the audience was a bit like Queen playing “We will rock you” with the tempo vibrating and feet twitching, until it reached a crescendo with the final ‘cymbal’ clash!
I wonder how many in that audience will be tapping a tune as they wheel out their bins this week?
Here are a few extracts from some of the performances, for you to enjoy and perhaps post a comment to the performers and their teachers.
Trumpets 2023

A huge thank you to all the performers, their IMMS teachers and Ms Helen for facilitating this music program!
IMMS performance – this was a show not to be missed. People are talking about Coldplay – well this was something else! Thank you to the IMMS teachers and Ms Helen for all their hard work..
Lorraine Macaulay
Photos and video clips by Dawn Veary; Percussion clip by G.Reid; Written and posted by Dawn Veary