Harmony Day Banner EditedOn Monday, the whole school celebrated Harmony Day in a series of orchestrated events, starting with the Harmony Day Assembly run by our student councillors.  They began with a Welcome to Country, then explained what Harmony Day is all about before tempting our tastebuds with the Tumpeng (Traditional Indonesian Meal used for special occasions) prepared by women from the local Indonesian community.  

Dscf2569 (Small)Students then displayed their costumes.

Dscf2585 (Small)After an early recess, students worked on Harmony Day activities in their year levels, where each year level chose a different country to feature.  Students then walked around to discover interesting facts about the featured countries for their passports.

Img_1361 (Small)The activities concluded with an informal shared lunch with parents.

All in all, the day was a huge success and definitely displayed the key message embodied in the Harmony Day website:

Harmony Day, 21 March, celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

It is a day for all Australians to embrace cultural diversity and to share what we have in common.

The central message for Harmony Day is that ‘everyone belongs’, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians.

Img_1354 (Small)A big thank you to Janice Dunlop for organising and co-ordinating the day’s events.  Mr Thomas said:

It was an amazing day!  The planning, attention to detail and sense of fun was brilliant.  You couldn’t help but enjoy yourself as you walked around the school…

Photos from shared collection over the day (thanks to Karen James); Written and posted by D. Veary