Give Me Fives In The KitchenOur Fives in the Kitchen journalist team, Emily C and Lily C in Room T3, have been cooking up a storm with their classmates.

Img_5501 (Small)Last week students filled the kitchen with the fragrant aromas of Asian spices as they worked their woks to create delicious Indonesian Nasi Goreng for lunch!

Img_5495 (Small)Students reflections were:

The trickiest part was cutting the garlic!

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I really enjoyed stirring up the vegetables in the pan.   Zali

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George said the most interesting ingredient today was the prawn paste because it smelt so gross.

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Lily A said it tasted delicious.

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Editor’s Note:
Emily and Lily (T3) will receive their journalist badges at assembly next week to acknowledge their hard work and responsibility.  They manage their role themselves, taking photos and collecting feedback from their classmates each cooking session.  Well done, girls!  We really appreciate your efforts.  

Written and Photos by Emily and Lily; Posted by D. Veary