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Every parent will have received a Nit Comb and information sheet this week as part of a P&C initiative to nit-bust this weekend!
This initiative is a whole school approach to managing nits.  “If all parents treat their children’s hair on the same weekend, it should have a big impact on nit numbers across the school.”

This is the weekend for treatment!   Priceline are supporting our P&C by providing the nit combs you received and by offering a 10% discount on treatment purchased if you show the nit letter.  Students who have been treated can show their signed letter on Monday to receive a free icy pole.

You can read the information sheet here on Scribd.  [Just click on the scroll bar, full screen or zoom for better viewing.]

Nit Promo 2014 by DawnV13

This could work if everybody works together to nitbust this weekend.

(Thank you to Priceline for their support.)



Written and posted by D. Veary