The weather gods smiled on us last Friday as the day dawned bright and sunny – in fact, a perfect day for our annual MRPS Fun Run!  Students from PP to Year 2 ran laps of the oval while Years 3 to 6 took on the challenge of the 5km course from school through the nearby forest before looping back to the finish line on the school oval.  We are so lucky to have the natural environment we have and this event makes good use of it.

This fundraiser is lots of fun but is also very important as it is dedicated to raising funds for ICT and digital technologies in our classrooms.  Students have obtained sponsors on their special sponsorship forms and we hope to have raised funds returned by Friday 22 September?

We’d like to thank all the participants, helpers, parent volunteers and town services who supported us on the run and during the community fun day afterwards. Your support makes it all possible. Of course, Ros Love needs a HUGE thank you for all the time and effort she put in to organising the event (and all of us at MRPS) to make the day so successful!

Another special thank you goes to the mystery lady who handed two of our runners $50 each in an envelope to contribute to our Fun Run fundraiser!  We really appreciate your generosity!

 2017 MRPS FUN RUN on PhotoPeach

The afternoon fun offered a variety of activities from face painting to karaoke or slipping and sliding to cool off before shopping at the Book Stall, Trash ‘n Treasure or Cake Stall.  Others tested their skill at a range of stalls organised by Year 6 students which were very creative and a lot of fun.  All in all, it truly was a fun day!

Don’t forget to start collecting money from your sponsors and bring it back to school as soon as possible, so that we can choose our highest fundraisers and give out their prizes at a special assembly at the beginning of Term 4.

Photos by Lil Rochford, Mark Harrison and D. Veary; Written and posted by D.Veary