Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 19

We welcome Terri Sharpe to the Kitchen Garden Program replacing Ange Packer-Savic. Terri has a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience which she brings to this position and it is clearly matched by her enthusiasm and energy. We look forward to working with Terri as we endeavour to progress this terrific program.

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 20

0Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 21

This week in the garden the year 4 classes have been busy with garden maintenance as it has been six weeks since our last garden session and everything has grown so much.

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 22

Tasks have included;
• Leaf raking
• Weeding
• Harvesting lettuce, silverbeet, coriander, parsley and limes
• Cleaning the shed
• Cleaning the hen house
• Composting
• Planting
• Bug removal…..there are heaps of green grubs, caterpillars, snails and moths which do lots of damage to our vegetables. Thankfully the hens enjoy them!

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 23

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 24

One group each fortnight will have the responsibility of reporting on and taking pictures for the kitchen or garden session.

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 25
We asked some of the kids to tell us how they felt about starting the kitchen garden program again in Term 2. We want to hear what they have learned, what they are grateful for, what they appreciate, what they love to do and how they feel when in the garden.

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 26

Here are some responses from T5:

My favourite part was holding and carrying the hens back to their hen house. (Mia)

I enjoyed bug picking and feeding the caterpillars to the chickens. They were fighting over who got the caterpillars. I loved having Terri, the new garden specialist. (Olivia)

I love garden. It is a good opportunity to have fun learning how to plant stuff. (Ava)

Today I had a really fun time in the garden. I loved taking the photos of the groups working. (Taylor)

I enjoyed the first garden lesson for this term because we haven’t been there for six weeks. (Ryder)

I enjoyed how we could catch some caterpillars and feed them to the chickens. (Shaye)

I loved being back in garden and having a new garden teacher. (Issy .C)

Today in the garden it was fun because the caterpillars were very fluffy. I enjoyed everything! (Abby)

I enjoyed bug picking. You could find little insects. The caterpillars were soft and hairy. (Isy)

I loved it so much because my group did lots of weeding in the garden beds. (Mirikai)

Foraging In The Kitchen Garden #1 27

Photos and written by Geoff McLeod Coordinator; Posted by D. Veary