Editor’s Note: Last week our Year 4 students, staff and parent helpers climbed onto their bikes and set off for Bike Camp. Their overnight stay was an exciting first for many students who were very active, on and off their bikes, for the duration of the camp. Thank you to Nicholas T. from T3 for writing as a journalist for our school blog, to let us share what Bike Camp meant for a Year 4 student.On the seventh of March the Year Fours had their bike camp. We cycled to Wharncliffe Mill on our bikes, which was 3 kilometres.
When we got to camp, we, all had our recess. After we did that, we were all allowed to play on the playground and with the sports equipment.
Then we had fruit and a biscuit with lunch. Afterwards Bill Webb came in to talk to us about Aboriginal culture, which we all found interesting.
After that, we had a talk about all the different tracks and trails nearby. We then had the choice of either going through the side-tracking Pines or the never-ending track to Cowaramup or just staying at camp.
Finally we set up our beds in the shed or the dormitories. After that everybody had one last play till dinner.
For dinner we had hamburgers and for dessert we had ice-cream. Then we watched Hotel Transylvania 2.
In the lounge room there was a possum which everybody wanted to come and have a look at. Halfway through the movie we had a milo break. Although it was a bit watery, it still tasted good.
When the movie had finished we all went to brush our teeth which was then 9:45! Then we all went to bed happy and exhausted…
Written by Nicholas T. (from T3); Photos by Liz Angell and Geoff Mcleod; Posted by D. Veary
Great job, Nicholas! We were certainly able to picture how much fun you had on Bike Camp. 😎