This afternoon, two of our teachers, Janice Dunlop and Belinda Symes, are flying to Melbourne for Professional learning as part of our involvement in the BRIDGE Project, and to meet Indonesian teachers from our Sister School, who will return with them to Margaret River.Read more about the project below.

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Australia  Indonesia  BRIDGE  Project.

Margaret River Primary has been successful in our application to participate in the Australia – Indonesia BRIDGE project.

The Asia Education Foundation has led work on Australia-Asia BRIDGE School Partnerships since 2008.  BRIDGE stands for  ‘Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement’.  You can read more about this project in the attached PDF document.

Australia Indonesia BRIDGE Project2  

The Australia-Asia BRIDGE School Partnerships Project provides Australian teachers and students with the opportunity to engage with their peers in Asia through a blended model of face-to-face and online learning activities.

The project consists of:
•    a face-to-face ‘establishment visit’ of a teacher from Asia travelling to Australia and spending time in an Australian school community. These visits are then reciprocated.
•    the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to support a range of online interactions between partner schools led by teachers and students.
Through BRIDGE School Partnerships, students engage with the history, cultures, societies and languages of their partner school. School Partnerships work collaboratively on curriculum programs that develop shared understandings and an appreciation of cultural similarities and differences. BRIDGE School Partnerships are currently in China, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand.

Ms Janice Dunlop and Ms Belinda Symes will be travelling to Melbourne in May (this week) to participate in Professional Learning, and to meet our Indonesian teachers from our Sister School.

Our Indonesian counterparts will return to Perth with us and commence our Cultural Exchange and Homestay program. We would like to thank Mrs Judy Durlick and Mrs Fran Keeley for hosting our guests during their two-week visit to our school and community.

Photo and written by Janice Dunlop; Posted by D. Veary