Breaking Garden News 2016 Photo 1Our first lesson of term two we had Ange come in and talk to us about plant habitats. She had  some habitat photos on the computer to show us. There were lots of habitats such as rainforests, waterfalls, deserts, mountains and  mangroves. We had to get out our kitchen garden books and make a mind map on the habitat that we chose.

After that we went outside into the garden. There we all chose three parts of the garden that each were a different habitat. We split into groups of two and all wandered around the garden looking for places that were different to others.

Img_6295 (Small)One habitat was the worm farm. It is a dark, covered place full of worms that eat the scraps from the kitchen. It is wet and cold because no sunlight gets in. When we looked into the worm farm there was a cute mouse running around. The mice love eating the scraps too.

Img_6297 (Small)Another habitat in our garden is under the lime tree. We found that the soil was soaking wet. This is because now that summer has gone and there is not as much sunlight the shaded area under the tree does not dry out quickly. Venus Fly Traps are growing here because this shaded habitat suits them best.

Img_6299 (Small)Another habitat was the chicken farm. You had to watch your step otherwise your foot would end up in chicken poop.  The chicken farm has two habitats.

Img_6294 (Small)One is the chicken coop where the chickens lay their eggs.  It is dry and has hay on the ground. The other area is outside the garden shed and you can see it from the playground.  This area is grassy and wet .  Some of it is shaded by the fig tree and some of it is in the sunlight.

Img_6301 (Small)There are lots of habitats in the garden. Each habitat has a different cycle of plants and animals that is suited to its area.  This was a different garden lesson and we all learnt a lot.

Written by our T4 Garden Journalists; Photos by Ms. Angell; Posted by D. Veary