Aspenz Prize-Winner Celebrates 3

Congratulations to all who took part in the Aspenz Cake Bake-off during the holidays.  Preparing for it and cooking up a storm was where most people had so much fun.  Helena M. won second prize with her Cherry Rainbow Princess Cake.  She made a fabulous Smilebox to celebrate the process.  Hope you enjoy it too.  😆
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Posted and written by D. Veary

Smilebox created by Helena and her family


  1. Nola Hickey says:

    Congratulations Helena on a beautiful cake. Well done to everyone who participated.

  2. Mr K says:

    This is an amazing cake! Well done what a fantastic effort.
    I’ll let you know when it’s my birthday next year!
    Mr K

  3. Lorraine Macaulay says:

    A gorgeous cake from a gorgeous student!
    Helena thank you for sharing your news with the children in room 8. Lorraine Macaulay

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