Airstrip To Oval Fun Run And Fun Day 3

Margaret River turned on sensational weather for our first Airstrip to Oval Fun Run on Friday November 18th.

The parents, staff and children in Yr 4 to Yr 7 started the run at the airstrip and ran a 5km course through the pine plantation, alongside the river, then on bike tracks and footpaths back to the school oval. Thanks to Mr Gray and his team of bike riders and marshals for the clear marking of the course that kept everyone safe and on track and to the SES and ambulance officers that were on standby in case of an emergency. Thanks also to the water point team that kept thirsty runners hydrated and the traffic wardens for the safe road crossings. The fastest runner came in with a time of 20min 53 sec, alas it wasn’t Mr K!  Thanks also to the recorders, a full run down of placegetters will be announced at the next assembly.

Airstrip to Oval Run 2011 on PhotoPeach

The juniors enjoyed an adventurous course around the school. Thanks to Mr Gray, Ms Dunlop, Mr Bunn and Greg the gardener for the early set up of cones, tents and bunting. Mr Mainard played motivating music and some students set a lightning pace around the course.

Fun Run School Track on PhotoPeach

Thank you to Deb, Judy and Rhonda for ensuring everyone was treated to a nice cool fruit ice at the end of their run. A massive thank you to the canteen staff and the P&C for providing lunch for over 550 students, staff and volunteers.

The fun continued into the afternoon with food and activities around the school. Thanks to the P&C  and Dione who were kept very busy with the high demand for fairy floss and lemonade. Thank you to the Yr 6 team for the yummy cake stall. The Yr7’s were fantastic running over a dozen activity stalls that were enjoyed by everyone. Face painting was very popular thanks to Flic and her talented team, Janice, Stacy, Lorraine and Karen. Some big battles were won and lost at the tug-a-war thanks to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Clark.

Fun Day 2011 on PhotoPeach

Thanks to Mr Bunn and Angie for letting children experience spear throwing (poor kangaroos), and Josh taught some traditional Aboriginal music and dancing. Another huge thank you to the Margaret River Branch of the National Australia Bank for donating $500 to the event to help cover costs and to the school office staff for helping me with the organisation. And to all those smiling assassins who dunked us on the dunking machine….we know who you are!

Airstrip To Oval Fun Run And Fun Day 4
Thank you National Australia Bank!

Written by: Trish Jackson    Posted: D. Veary  Photos: Gabrielle Clarke; Campbell Madden, Jo Cook; D.Veary

2 thoughts on “Airstrip to Oval Fun Run and Fun Day

  1. Kym Barnett says:

    Fantastic effort on the Blog post!!! It was a great day had by all. Thank you to all those people who made it happen! My kids loved it!

  2. Veronica Spence says:

    Hi All
    Thank you so much for a great day at the ‘1st annual funrun’ (hopefully!)
    The kids all seemed to have such a good time…and the run was a real challenge. I’m sure many of the kids will work towards improving their times for next year.
    A big thank you to Trish for all her hard work! We are so lucky to have such a great team of teachers and support staff at the primary school. I’m sure it all starts at the top. Thanks Mr K, your positive attitude filters throughout the school as everyone seems to enjoy these special days together!
    Have a good day…
    The Spences

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