One day. One time. One song – sung simultaneously by more than half a million Australian students across the nation. This is Music Count Us In!
On Friday morning students gathered in the undercover area to sing this year’s song, “Cover Me in Sunshine” (by Pink) for Music Count Us In – 2021. Due to Covid restrictions and no live stream, this year’s performance was a collaboration between Margaret River Primary and local schools: Vasse Primary, Dunsborough Primary and Rapids Landing PS, on Zoom.
Using technology, students from K to 6 sang the uplifting lyrics to “Cover Me in Sunshine” with Auslan signing for the chorus, as part of Australia’s biggest music education celebration!
Our thanks go to Ms Helen and the Year 5/6 students who led the singing from the front, and Jenny Robb for her technical support. Enjoy the celebration with this video clip.
Written and posted by D.Veary; Photos by Ms Helen; Video Clip filmed by Ms Keating
Once again our students sing from their hearts. So proud of everyone!
Music in education is alive!!
Thank you to Dawn Veary for her filming of this precious moment.
Teachers and school staff are so supportive as are our parents/ caregivers in our school community.