Inspired by the artwork of Indigenous artist and children’s book writer and illustrator, Bronwyn Bancroft, Sally Fawcett designed an intriguing art project for Year 3 students. They created a collaborative artwork which features an ant trail through the Australian landscape.

Artwork Celebrates Australian Landscape 1
Section 1 of panel

Sally began by grouping numbered coasters into a panel, then drawing the ant trail outline across all the coasters. Each student then worked on a single coaster, drawing ants onto the trail and using organic shapes and patterns to create the landscape on either side. The landscape was coloured using pastels as the chosen medium, purposefully combining monochromatic colours to reflect the essence of the Australian landscape.

Artwork Celebrates Australian Landscape 2
Section 2 of panel

Grouping each coaster back into the panel, the results are stunning! This is a nod to the current Year 3 Australian Animals Inquiry, interwoven with indigenous culture and sustainability.

Artwork Celebrates Australian Landscape 3
Collaborative Artwork Panel – Ant Trail by Year 3 students

If you would like to know more about the much acclaimed children’s writer and illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft – her creativity and the interesting background to her art, click on these links.



Photos by Sally Fawcett; Written and posted by D. Veary