Our Own Junior Journo! 3At our school assembly on Monday 11 November, Mr Thomas presented Gigi F. with her certificate and prize money as a winner of the West Australian Junior Journo writing competition. Gigi has long been a writer. We’ve enjoyed her company at Writer’s Circle over the past three years, and this year she entered a newspaper article in the annual competition and was successfully chosen for publication in the October Tuesday ED edition of the paper. This is a great accomplishment, as the competition is open to students from Years 3 to 6,  in all West Australian schools.

Congratulations to Gigi on her achievement! She worked hard to hone her writing and come up with a catchy headline, and she obviously hit the mark. This is just one milestone along her writing journey and we wish her all the best as she spends her prize money and says goodbye to primary school, ready for high school next year.

You can read her story by clicking on the link below.



Written and posted by D. Veary; Photo by Mr Thomas