Our Year 5 classes presented a variety of items at our last assembly to share their learning journey into early Australian history.  Each class took us on a different pathway through the story.

T3 re-enacted the exploration of Edward John Eyre through a dramatic performance with realistic props and a clear narration.

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Room 5 shared the experiences of early settlers then captured our attention with a oral rendition of the poem, “The Song of the Cattlemen” by John Kendall, breaking into song at the end. (led by Mr Mike Goodwin on guitar).

Year Fives Travel Back In Time 19

You can listen to them on this MP3 file.

Year Fives Travel Back In Time 17Year Fives Travel Back In Time 18

Room 4 used the Six Thinking Hats to explore attitudes towards immigrants in early Australia by isolating each point of view, then graphically illustrating it through a dramatic performance.  The six Thinking Hats are:Year Fives Travel Back In Time 22Enjoy this slideshow of Room 4’s presentation and how well they dressed up for their parts.


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Together, we could appreciate just how much hard work and thinking had gone into this inquiry by both teachers and students! What a great integration of the learning areas it was and it was thought provoking comparing those times with the current day!