Editor’s Note: Year 4 students in T5 take it in turns to check the garden and give us a general update on what they see happening.  Here is the first one by Katie H. and Edward S.  Thank you Year 4s. 🙂

First of all, we are growing new crops and we are growing lots of spring onions. The carrots are growing pretty big and we will use them for the Kitchen! There are lots of snow peas at the moment.

Year 4S In The Garden! 7There is a rabbit eating a bit of our food but that’s alright because we are already trying to solve this and we are doing pretty well!

Year 4S In The Garden! 8We are also growing lots of lemons and most of them are ready to harvest and eat in Kitchen!

Year 4S In The Garden! 9We have been having trouble with the chickens, as their feet were covered with mites but we sprayed them with oil and they’re all good now.

Written and photos by Katie H. and Edward S; Posted by D. Veary