MRPS Classes Demonstrate Resilience on Bike Camp

In hot and trying conditions almost 90 students from Margaret River Primary School Years 4 and Year 4/5 had plenty of opportunities to display their stamina and resilient natures on their recent bicycle/road safety camp held at Wharncliffe Mill.

With the welcome assistance of the local police service (Constable Jeremy Jones cycled with the school group and assisted with traffic control), students first cycled from the school to their campsite at the converted mill.

They later were given the opportunity of cycling the 25 kilometres return trip to Cowaramup along the rails to trails track. Around 30 students took up the challenge and completed the full distance. Another 50 students completed shorter length trips of between 12 to 18 kilometres, still a very good achievement in the warm, late summer conditions.

Another smaller group of non – cycling students walked with teachers and parents through the forest.

Constable Jones, who has had a guiding role in the students’ bicycle activities this term, visited the campsite along with colleagues to help on a number of occasions over the 2 day length of the camp. He said that he was very pleased with the efforts shown by students to ride in a responsible manner and that students should be very proud of riding the distances they did.

The students also worked hard the second day of the camp when they cycled to a forest site selected by Department of Environment and Conservation rangers, Clare, Cat and Mike. Here as has occurred in other years, they helped the rangers with the eradication of the introduced species “genista” from the national park, by pulling it from the ground.

Ranger Clare said she was thankful of the students’ hard work and that they had made a really positive impact on the well being of the forest around the town.

It wasn’t all hard work at the camp, as there was still time for plenty of sporting activities, games and a small group talent quest.

Nevertheless it does seem sure that a large number of local families would have met some rather tired students at the camp’s end on their return to the school.

Enjoy this slideshow from our camp.

Year 4 Bike Camp 5Year 4 Bike Camp 6