With the seasons all being a bit strange, with a never-ending warmth following summer and then a sudden snap freeze, it’s amazing anything is growing at all.  But it is!!

The timing of the P&C’s Winter Market couldn’t have been better. We harvested a bountiful array of produce from the garden including the first crop of broccoli. The largest of all was contrepiece of the stall and for a gold coin donation you could guess the weight of it. The massive head weighed 1.575kg and Kris Gailey’s guess earnt her, and her family and the neighbours, and the grandparents…..a nutritious meal.

Together with beautiful Irises and capsicum, stripey eggplants, chillies, potted strawberries, lemons, limes, mandarins and herbs the stall was a winner. Thanks to everyone involved and for the huge support we got on the day and the positive and generous comments we all received. No recipe this time but I have included two beautiful photos from the market.

After the market, it was back to work. With the beds freshly fertilised with manure, we have been madly planting. In between showers we have managed to plant more broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, beetroot, parsnip, lettuces, coriander, kale, peas, English spinach, celery, strawberries, cabbages, and carrots.

The second worm farm is fully operational now and producing beautiful amounts of worm juice that is perfect for feeding all the new seedlings.

All of the compost bays are overflowing with the remnants of the summer and autumn crops and I will be turning them regularly to keep them composting in the cooler weather.

Unfortunately the Kitchen Garden has not been spared from the new season’s snails and slugs, not to mention millions of slaters. I have put out citrus skins to collect the slaters in particular, but it is important if you are going to do this, to make sure you remove them daily or they will become another breeding ground for even more of the pests. There are a variety of barrier sprays and iron-based pellets now that are suitable for the organic garden, but I am utilising the workforce available and going with manpower, at the moment anyway! Beer traps are always effective too.

Thanks again to the whole community for your amazing support of our wonderful kitchen garden.   A short photo slideshow of our productive garden with its winter look.

Susie Ormonde and the Kitchen Garden Team


Winter In The Garden 5Winter In The Garden 6