Vale - Ian Parmenter 1
Ian Parmenter on a SAKG Network Day

We are all very sad to hear of the passing of Ian Parmenter, a local legend who did so much to promote and facilitate local connections in our special corner of the south west region. We extend our sincere sympathy to his wife, Anne and family.

Ian was a passionate ambassador, friend and supporter of our school kitchen garden program. Indeed , it was Ian who in 2007 as the WA Ambassador for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation introduced this wonderful program to our school. Through leadership at the school and from passionate community members, we now have a highly successful practical kitchen garden learning program that the whole community can be proud of. We thank Ian for the encouragement to make this happen.

Ian gave freely of his time to promote our program through his social media platform and his wide media connections.

We remember the many visitors who Ian connected to our program: Noeline Brown, Poh Ling Yeow, Kylie Kwong, William McInnis, Josh Byrne, ABC film and radio crews, to mention a few.

Ian was a key player in our early fundraising events which include our opening night and special auction, monster quiz night at the school, the kitchen garden ‘wedding’ at Xanadu, Colonial Brewery fundraiser with Charlie McGee and the Formidable Vegetable Sound System with support from Ian on the harmonica!, as well as assisting with Stephanie Alexander Foundation visits, training and networking workshops and more.

The contribution Ian Parmenter made to our school through the kitchen garden program will forever be remembered and treasured.

MRPS Kitchen Garden Community Foundation Team, MRPS Staff and Students and our supportive school community.

Written by Geoff Mcleod; Photos and posted by Dawn Veary