So much happens at our school every week and this is no exception. 

1. This Thursday morning (2 September) at 9.30 a.m. all students will gather in the undercover area to sing Come Play Your Part TOGETHER WITH THE REST OF AUSTRALIA!

If you’d like to practise the song, click on the song mp3 to play (then minimise) and click on the lyrics to open them. come_play_your_part_lyric_sheet     come_play_your_part

2. This Friday (3 September) is a fundraiser for two worthwhile causes: Research and protection of our native bilby population and FOOTY COLOURS DAY to support the Fight Cancer Foundation. Students are invited to purchase Bilby badges and soft toys from the front office and students can wear footy colours and footy gear from their favourite footy code for a gold coin donation on Friday.  To read more click on