The Velvet Touch For Mrps 9

This week students thoroughly enjoyed Adam Hall and the Velvet Players‘ performance in the undercover area over two days.  Musica Viva is part of our school’s Music program and this was once again a popular choice of musicians who won students over with their opening number and energized performance.

The musicians introduced themselves and their instruments: Len Whittle – keyboard; Konrad Park – drums; Adam Hall – trumpet and compere; Carl Harper – trombone and Mark Turner on the saxaphone before playing a ​scat​.

The entire performance was interactive – and the first taste for  students was ​scatting ​ with Adam.  They showed confidence and a good understanding of what was required of them – and most of all- everybody was having fun!

The Velvet Touch For Mrps 10

The group demonstrated the art of ​call and response​ using voices, voice and instrument, then instrument to instrument.  You can get a taste of what it was like below.  Click on the MP3 file to listen.

The Velvet Touch For Mrps 11
Voice to Saxaphone
The Velvet Touch For Mrps 12
Trumpet to Saxaphone

Our kids had a ball and you can see some of their enthusiasm and participation in the photos below.  What a wonderful Music leader we have in Ms Helen, organising such an exciting and engaging incursion!  😎

[​Remember to click on any of the images as they revolve on the dice – to zoom and have a closer look…]


The Velvet Touch For Mrps 13The Velvet Touch For Mrps 14


Written, photos and posted by D. Veary