Last week Tuesday, T3 opened their doors for their first Inquiry celebration of 2012. The students displayed their “Our Place in Space” big question projects which were a range of animations, DVD’s, PowerPoint’s, posters, games and informational booklets. Our visitors had the opportunity to play quizzes and view Smartboard files that the children had researched and created. The classroom was full with eager contestants all keen to play Space Jeopardy and many laughs were had by all.


T3 Celebration! 5T3 Celebration! 6

It was wonderful to see so many parents, caregivers and family members sitting and sharing with the children. I would like to extend a special thanks to our visitors for taking the time to visit and see the fantastic effort that has been made by the T3 students.

​Photos and written by B. Symes; Posted by D. Veary