Sirocco Strikes A Chord 3

Students were keen to get Sirocco’s autographs after their moving and interactive performance last week.  Andrew, Hugh and Peter made a dramatic entrance,  then proceeded to entertain their audience using a number of unusual Asian instruments (which you can see in the photos below).

Students volunteered to try them out, and Adrian even had his voice turned into a musical instrument with the help of Garageband and Hugh’s i-pad! The performance concluded with the final item, “Asian Marketplace” where students twirled silken scarves in time to the haunting strains of Asian percussion while a Chinese dragon roamed freely down the aisles.  All-in-all, Sirocco were a huge hit and we look forward to what Musica Viva and Ms Helen deliver next year.  Thanks for your hard work preparing all our students, Ms Helen!  🙂

 Sirocco and Musicaviva on PhotoPeach