Ms Cresswell With Room 14 Doing Science.  Amazing How Much It Looks Like Dancing!
Ms Cresswell with Room 15 doing Science. Amazing how much it looks like dancing!

The Science Room will be open every Wednesday and Thursday at lunchtime. We have games, mini experiments, fossils and much more. Students interested in doing a science investigation to work towards a CREST Award are welcome to come in and talk to Talliesen.

Science Noticeboard (Small)

As you can see in the photo, we now have a notice board outside the Science Room. Every fortnight there will be a Science Challenge posted on the notice board. Put your answers in the Science Mail box in the office for your chance to win. Entries close the Thursday of Newsletter week. The notice board will also be used to display science news. If you have some science news you would like to share with us please bring it in.

MRPS is once again looking at running After School Science. If you are interested in doing this please complete the tear off sheet on the newsletter and return it to the office as soon as possible.

Finally, for some of the science activities we are doing this term we require small glass jars. Baby food jars would be perfect. If you have any baby food jars or jars of a similar size that you no longer require we would greatly appreciate them. We are also after empty cocoa tins or plastic containers of a similar size with a screw top lid.

Many thanks,
Science Co-ordinator.