As part of our Inquiry into “Summer” and the subsequent Mini inquiry about bushfire, Room 4 invited the Shire Manager of Planning, Andre Schonfeldt, to visit our classroom to see a presentation. The children had developed this as a possible solution to the increased fire hazard facing the shire due to illegal fires being lit by campers. He brought along Brendan Jordan the FESA representative from our shire to join in the discussion of our proposal.

Discussing Proposals With Visitors
Our presentation team were voted by our class as being the most persuasive and enthusiastic in their explanation of the ideas. They really had to practise their explanation from the thinkmat we had all used to assess the strengths and weaknesses behind our proposal, which was to add more BBQ areas to our shire parks and beaches. They did a fantastic job! And added extra background information.

Summer Fun
We enjoyed an energetic discussion with Mr Jordan and Mr Schonfeldt as they contributed many good considerations to our proposal. We would like to thank them again for making time in their very busy schedules to come and visit us.
Gabrielle Clark Year 5.