Reconciliation Week! 7

Reconciliation week was embraced by MRPS staff and students last week with a number of special activities.

Students gathered in the undercover area for an assembly to honour reconciliation week.  Josh Whitelands led Year 4/5 students in a Welcome to Country dance while he accompanied them on his didge.

Students were then invited to share a free lunch of damper  (cooked up by the KG Kitchen team) and roo tail stew cooked and served up by our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Angela Rameriz,  and a group of volunteer parents.  Some students had their faces painted at lunchtime too.

Room 7 created an artwork as recognition of place using aboriginal art symbols to represent Margaret River and our school as part of that community. The big circles are people and the school, and you can see the trees beside the river.

Everybody participated enthusiastically and you can see how much fun people had in this slideshow.

Reconciliation Week! 8Reconciliation Week! 9

Listen to Josh playing his Didge here:

Written, photos and posted by D. Veary