Unwelcome inclement weather couldn’t impede the success of this year’s Year 4 and 4/5 Busselton Airport visit hosted by members of the Busselton Aero Club last Tuesday.  

This was the fourth time in six years that the aero club have coordinated a visit for our school and they gave our students real life opportunities to see and learn about various aspects of flight they had studied and experimented with in class.

 This included learning about the differences between lower winged and high winged aircraft, finding out about and climbing into a parachute harness, the best weather for flying, airport facilities, the differences between jet and turbo prop planes and pilot training requirements.

 Unfortunately the deteriorating weather and the arrival of a GWN film crew meant that not all students visited all stations. Even this year’s lolly drop had to be turned into a lolly treasure hunt, because of the strong winds. But it did mean that three of our students were interviewed and appeared on GWN News.

 Thanks to parents accompanying the classes for their help; special thanks again to Brice and the Busselton Aero Club for giving their time and assistance.

Our High Flying Year 4S 5Our High Flying Year 4S 6