Ms Helen has some important news items and requests.

Music Count Us in – the countdown is on

Music Count Us In reaches its culmination this Thursday 7th November, with Celebration Day, where the program song written by school students will be performed by over 1,000 students on the foreshore at Surfers Paradise. This is part of a 30 minute program that will be live-streamed by Music Australia at 12.00pm AEDT from here. ( So 9:am In WA).

All parents and school community are invited to come along and join in with MRPS as we sing and sign ‘We Are.’


BANDS/Bella Melodias will play at Settlers on Wednesday 27th November.

News From The Music Room 3


IMMS Assessments finished on 31 October.  Once I’ve collated all of the data, a shortlist will be made and an Expression of Interest Letter will go home.  Could you please send your response to the Music room asap please. If you and your child are not interested please return the form letting me know, so another child can receive a Letter.

The parent information evening is for parents to have a chance to meet their child’s teacher for 2020 and learn about the huge commitment, and what is involved when it comes to learning an instrument.  After this information evening a final short list is created and then a Formal offer will be issued, inviting successful candidates to join the 2020 program . Most instruments (except the guitar – which IMSS students must purchase themselves) may be hired for the first year ($110.  However, after their first year students will need to purchase their own instruments.


Written by Ms Helen; Posted by D. Veary