​This is an article written by Year 3, Room 6 Dolphinkids Blog journalist, Sasha H, who has extended her blogging skills this term.  She does a great job!  😎

Guess what?

On Friday 26th of October, Scitech came to visit Margaret River Primary School. Room 6 was lucky enough to be one of the Year 3 classes to have three sessions with Scitech while they were at the school.The first session was the show.  The show was all about WHAT MAKES SOUND?  We soon learnt that vibration makes sound. We also listened to some sounds that were a bit weird and different from everyday sounds. One of them was made with a straw.  It sounded amazing!

Now that we knew that vibration makes sound we were given items to make our own instruments. In this hands-on activity we were put into groups. Each group had to make at least 2 different sounds with each instrument that they had made. Everybody enjoyed it and we made some sounds that you don’t hear every day.  You can listen to a few of the sounds people made here.

Meeting The Scitech Team 7

Meeting The Scitech Team 8
Jack explained how he made his instrument as well as demonstrating its sound.
Meeting The Scitech Team 9

Our final session in the space dome was an exciting experience. In the space dome we learnt interesting facts about all the planets and stars. The presenter showed us how the stars form shapes which is how the Aboriginal people see the Emu. She showed us how stars form shapes and told us the Zodiac names of the shapes in the sky and how far away the Sun is from  the Earth.

I think everybody learnt a lot and had fun in the space dome.

Meeting the Scitech Team on PhotoPeach

I definitely enjoyed it!  Did you?       🙂

Written and posted by Sasha H.; Photos and final post by D. Veary; Slideshow by Sasha H.