Sadly, it was not Mootilda who won the competition, although she received lots of admiring looks.
Congratulations to Thomas More for coming first!
Mootilda And Friends...
Mootilda and friends...

Our PEAC students had lots of fun on Wednesday and congratulations to Phoebe S. for winning the quiz with some excellent and very realistic neighing…..!  Apparently Talliesen’s ‘ribbetting’ wasn’t loud enough to be heard over Dunsborough’s chook call 🙂

Mootilda Getting Ready To Travel ...
Mootilda preparing for her journey...

Belinda and Lucy did well in the milking competition, but in the end were outmilked by Karridale.

The Milking Competition!
The milking competition!

A big thank you to all the parents for your support along the way (transporting Mootilda, making t-shirts, painting etc.)and for being there on the day.  Your vocal  encouragement on the day added to the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the girls. 

John and Deanne (the competition organisers) were impressed with the amount of work done by such a small group – well done, girls – we’re proud of you!