Our teams of talented performing musicians: choir, Bella Melodias and our school rock bands have been making music here, there and everywhere over the past few weeks.

Making Music Here, There And Everywhere! 3The choir’s recent public performances began on stage at our annual Margaret River Distric Show. The community crowded the grounds of Gloucester Park on the weekend of 5th and 6th November, eager to make up for missing out last year due to Covid.

Our school featured student artworks in a display created by Sally Fawcett and Sonja Day, and a Year 3 lego display created during a Lego challenge at the end of their inquiry. People milled in and out of the Exhibition Hall. The air outside was filled with the roar of motorbikes performing hair-raising stunts, shrieks of laughter (and maybe fear) from the rides, and happy voices exploring Sideshow Alley and the stalls.

But the main tension was happening up on the oval, as our school choir prepared to kick off the entertainment. Ms Helen stood in front of the stage, arms raised and ready to conduct as the eager faces of our choir waited for their cue. They sang sweetly and with feeling, warming away any nerves as they sang.

With a change of pace, the Bella Melodias led by Andrea Manners owned the stage with their harmonised tones and confidence. But…the music kept on coming as our school rock bands warmed up the crowd with popular numbers which were very well received.

The depth and strength of our musicians and singers was definitely on show that day, as they flexed their musical muscles, ready for their next gigs:

  • Choir camp,
  • Crazy Crackers Christmas Choir upcoming performance on Friday 3 December,
  • and the much anticipated MRPS Rock Bands Rock and Roll gig on 1st December at Settlers Tavern.

If you missed their music at the Show, or if you really enjoyed it, make sure to catch them at one of the above performances.

Many thanks to Graeme Smailes, Tony Lane, Andrea Manners and Ms Helen for all the energy and time they put into these musical groups, and our wider school community for their ongoing support.

Written by D. Veary; Photos and video clips by D. Veary and Posted by D. Veary