Really good leaders have that special something that sets them apart – that intangible spark that draws you in and makes you follow. Last week our new AIEO, Jansie, nurtured that spark by leading a traditional-inspired leadership celebration for our new school leaders: student councillors, faction captains and cultural connections committee leaders. From the video you will see the symbolism and connection – the intangibles that honour leadership.
Our new Cultural Connection Committee Leaders, First Nation students: Abbey J, Janice P, Zara C and Lacey B, assisted Jansie in the design and preparation of the land art out at our school Gathering Place near the staff car park as well as having a voice in how the celebration was to be performed, before being joined by their fellow leaders.
The school leaders gathered around the Wongi (Yarning Circle) and mandala land art where they were invited to connect with country and contribute to the land art by having their their peers dust their handprint onto the artwork with sand. Abbey proudly delivered a meaningful Acknowledgement of Country in local Wadandi language before all of the leaders had an opportunity to share their hopes and intentions for the year ahead in their new leadership roles.
With gentle feet on boodja, the students were led in a traditional inspired movement around the Wongi before using peppermint branches to dust away the land art, for their intentions to be swept away by the wind, calling on the ancestors and boodja, to guide and protect these leaders in the journey within their new roles.
Written by Jansie, Photos by Mrs Thomas and Posted by Dawn Veary